Critical Power: Power for industrial, manufacturing and warehouse facilities

Power systems for industrial, manufacturing and other energy-intensive production facilities requires careful design and coordination. These facilities need to maintain power (including maintaining power quality) to eliminate product losses. Increasingly, engineers frequently specify uninterruptible power supply-type systems for large portions or entire facilities.

Some projects require backup power, in the form of generators and lithium-ion batteries. Incorporating the uninterruptible power supply system into these buildings requires electrical engineers to understand the load requirements and specific functions served by these power supplies.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand how to calculate the power needs for a manufacturing facility.
  • Know when uninterruptible power supply systems are required, and their specifications.
  • Know the codes and standards that define the design of emergency, standby and backup power systems.
  • Learn best practices for specifying power systems and identify commonly seen specification errors or omissions.