Critical Power: Know how to design power systems in mission critical facilities

July 27, 2023

Mission critical facilities typically require electrical engineers to design and specify significant amounts of power to increase reliability, limit outages and provide for redundancy. Common examples of mission critical facilities include hospitals, laboratories and data centers.

With the need for extensive power, these facilities often require the engineer to design medium-voltage primary services, primary service transformers, low-voltage distribution gear and uninterruptable power supplies. In some smaller mission critical facilities, the local utility may furnish primary medium-voltage equipment, leaving the engineer to focus on low-voltage systems design.

Learn about the choices and criteria for the planning and design of mission critical facility switchgear, transformers and UPS.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the various codes and standards that electrical engineers must design to.
  • Determine options for mission critical switchgear, transformers and uninterruptible power supplies.
  • Review transformer types and the trade-offs of different specifications.
  • Consider various electrical system design examples.